
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

04 Mihin Minne Missä

 Курс Supisuomea. Урок 4

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Deutsch Lernen Extra auf Deutsch Abschnitt 13

A very interesting German lesson. You can hear both German and English. If you speak both of those languages watching this video is real fun.

I recommend:

Learn Finnish online

You can register here for free and learn Finnish language online:


Зарегистрируйтесь бесплатно и учите финский язык в режиме онлайн:


Stop doing something, or stop to do something?

Here are some tips to help you better understand English

How do we say that we stopped doing something? Normally, it is about dropping bad habits like drinking or smoking, or drinking too much coffee, or eating too much.

So, a little word ‘stop’, the verb ‘stop’.

What is the difference in saying ‘I stopped to smoke’ and ‘I stopped smoking’?

‘I stopped to drink’ or ‘I stopped drinking’?

The difference is following:

‘I stopped to drink’ means that you stopped in order to drink something. It is like you were driving and were thirsty. So, you stopped at a bar in order to drink a cup of water or a coke.

‘I stopped drinking’ means that you dropped your bad habit of drinking too much alcohol. Do feel the difference?

‘I stopped smoking’ means that you do not smoke any longer.

‘I stopped to smoke’ means that you were walking or driving, then you stopped in order to have a smoke.

The same rule applies to all other life situation.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Supisuomea: 02 Junalla vai busilla

Learn Finnish / Изучайте финский язык

Finnish is one of the most beautiful and most interesting languages of this world. It is much harder to learn than English and Italian. It is harder to learn than German. However, the thing is that Finnish is not so much difficult as it is different from the most western languages like English, Italian or Spanish. Just be patient at the beginning. As soon as you begin understanding and feel the logic of the language, it is than like with any other language – expand your vocabulary and enjoy.

I am now starting to publish yet another video course of Finnish – “Supisuomea”. This translate to English more or less like “compressed Finnish”. That means that the vocabulary used in this course contains all most popular words phrases of everyday language. These are words that you use on the street, in a restaurant, when shopping, etc. It is the essence of the language.

So, welcome and good luck!

Финский язык один из самых красивых и интересных языков мира. Его гораздо труднее осваивать, нежели английский или итальянский. Однако, дело в том, что финский язык не столько труден, сколь он отличается от других языков западного мира, таких как английский, итальянский или испанский. Наберитесь в начале терпения. Как только вы поймете и почувствуете логику языка, он станет таким же легким в изучении как другие – просто пополняйте словарный запас и наслаждайтесь.

Я начинаю публиковать здесь еще один видео курс финского – ”Supisuomea”. Это переводится примерно, как «сжатый» финский. Это значит, что словарный запас курса включает в себя самые ходовые, самые распространенные слова и выражения из ежедневного обихода. Это слова, которые вы слышите на улице, в ресторане, во время походов в магазины, и т.д. Эта сама суть языка.

Добро пожаловать, и успеха вам!

01 Tervetuloa Suomeen

Supisuomea - a video course of Finnish language

Supisuomea - видео курс финского языка

Monday, April 6, 2015

Finnish: "Kuulostaa hyvalta" dvd1 04

The best mp3 player for learning a language / Лучший плейер для изучения языка Sony Walkman

This is a Sony Walkman!!! / Это Sony Walkman

Уважаемые любители иностранный языков. Вы видите инструмент. который может оказать вам огромную помощь в изучении языка. Данный плейер проигрывает не только файлы формата mp3,  но и некоторые форматы видео. Полностью заряженный он держит зарядку до 1 недели! Но, самое интересное в нем это две функции, которые просто незаменимы при изучении языка.

  1. Вы имеете возможность изменять скорость воспроизведения: 3 ступени на замедление, и 5 ступеней на ускорение скорости воспроизведения:
  2. Можно прослушивать текст отрезками. Устанавливаете точку начала и точку окончания, и плейер проигрывает ваш файл в рамках установленных вами параметров. 
  3. Вы можете совместить эти две функции. Выбираете фрагмент файла, где текст вам плохо понятен. Включаете замедленное воспроизведение. И вот оно, вы начинаете понимать!
Приобретя Sony Walkman mp3 плейер вы сделаете отличное вложение в ваши знания.

Dear language freaks. Here you can see a tool that can help you a lot in your taks of learning a foreign language. This player plays back not only mp3 files but also some formats of video. Fully charged it can last up to one whole week! Apart from that it contains two very intersting features that are immensly important when learning a language.
  1. You can change the playback speed: 3 steps downward to slow down playback speed and 5 steps to speed it up.
  2. You can listen to separate fragments of your files. You set the start point and the end point and listen to a fragment that you want to listen.
  3. You might combine the two featerues. You choose a fragment that you cannot properly understand. Then you slow down the playback speed. And here you are, you understand it!
If you buy a Sony Walkman mp3 player you will invest in  your education.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Raja 1918 DVDRip

A very nice film about how the Finns were costructing a new border to Russia after Finland had become an independent state back in 1918. Good for those learning Finnish langage.

Хороший фильм на финском языке для тех, кто изучает финский. Фильм рассказывает о том, как финны строили новую границу, добившись независимости в 1918 году.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Как быстрее выучить язык?

Приходилось ли вам видеть рекламу, гарантирующую вам, что вы за 2-3 месяца будете бегло разговаривать на иностранном языке? Вы верите в чудеса? Нет? В чудеса надо верить, но вот то, что вам обещают сотворить за 2-3 месяца, это не чудо, это ложь.
У человека есть мозг, есть память, есть способность к обработке информации. Разница между нами в этих параметрах незначительна. Человеческий мозг работает на основе законов, заложенных природой. И обмануть эти закон невозможно, хотя хотелось бы.
И так, реклама, обещающая чудо, лжет. Но, можем ли мы с вами влиять на скорость усвоения иностранного языка. Да, можем. В разумных пределах. Вполне реально научиться бегло разговаривать на языке за 1 год. Но, нереально стать профессиональным переводчиком за столь короткий срок. Но, мы здесь говорим не о профессиональном переводе. За год можно научиться свободно общаться с людьми, читать книги, и слушать аудио книги и новости. Смотреть фильмы вам придется учиться еще как минимум 1-2 года. Почему? Да потому, что в жизни говорят не так как в книгах. А в фильме еще и стреляют, и смеются и музыка, и рев моторов и скрип тормозов, эмоции в речи. Ко всему этому нужно приучить ваши уши и мозг. Еще сроки зависят от того, какой язык вы изучаете. Если вы учите английский, испанский или итальянский, то 1 год реальный срок, чтобы заговорить. Если это немецкий, до 2 года будет неплохим результатом. А вот если вы учите финский язык, да еще не в Финляндии живя, в другой стране. То дай вам Бог заговорить за 3-4 года. Я при этом говорю о средних людях со средними способности. Прирожденных лингвистов в расчет не берем.
Как ускорит процесс в рамках разумного? Правило номер 1. Регулярность занятий. Желательно заниматься 1-2 часа в день, не менее. Важно заниматься каждый день. Мозг устроен так, что он быстро запоминает то, что повторяется с большой частотой. Правило номер 2. Объем материала. Не пытайтесь «проглатывать» больше, чем вы способны переварить. Можете усвоит 1-3 фразы в день, замечательно. Если три усваиваются с трудом, перейдите к одной-двум. Правило номер 3 – никогда не отчаивайтесь. У вас обязательно будут дни, когда все будет получаться, и будут дни, когда опускаются руки. Так вот вы их снова поднимайте вверх, и идите веред.  Правило номер 4 – разнообразие занятий. Не нужно только читать, или только писать, или только слушать. Занятия должны включать в себя все виды восприятия. Работать должны глаза, и уши, и язык. Это не значит, что все это нужно включать в одно занятие. Можно сегодня работать с текстом. Завтра слушать, послезавтра смотреть видео уроки, и т.д.
Нужно ли избегать ошибок в разговоре? Нужно ли пытаться говорить всегда правильно? И да, и нет. То есть нужно в разумных пределах. Всегда говорить правильно на начальном этапе невозможно. Да и на средней стадии обучения не получится. И что же? Говорить сплошным инфинитивом? Ты хотеть, я не мочь? Нет, нужно просто выбрать золотую середину. Да, вы будете делать ошибки, и что? Из-за этого не говорить? В общем, нужно нащупать свою середину, и не стесняться разговаривать.
А еще пытайтесь думать на том языки, который изучаете. Едете в транспорте, разговаривайте сами с собой мысленно. Придумывайте диалоги на том уровне, на котором позволяет усвоенный вами словарный запас.

Удачи вам. До следующих встреч.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

A very nice English lesson for you: 10 phrasal verbs

10 GET Phrasal Verbs: get down, get off, get through, get up, get away...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Your comments and questions

Dear Friends,

If you have comments or questions to ask, please, do that here in the comments. Then we will have a discussion and more discussions. I need a feedback from you.

Thanks for your attention.

Useful links for those who learn English


Try this link: http://www.elementalenglish.com/

I found it very interesting and very practical for those, who strife to better understand spoken English.

How to enhance your ability to understand spoken language?

Now I would like to share my experience on how to train your ears and brain to understand the language that you learn when you hear it.

You are certainly familiar with a situation when you can already read and understand text but you do not understand people when they talk. The most natural and most popular method of learning a language is to start with textbooks. Even if you use a language course that includes audio and video materials you would be reading a lot of texts and explanations. Anyway, almost all of us come to a point when we might be capable of reading books but would have difficulties with understanding radio broadcast, television, conversations, i.e. spoken language.

There is only one solution to this problem – LISTEN! Make radio or your MP3 your constant companion. Live your life in earphones. However, what is the use of listening if you do not understand more than a couple of words of what you hear? Choose what you are listening to. Almost for any language, there are radio broadcasts in simplified versions of those languages. Should you be learning English, you will definitely find a lot of good things here http://learningenglish.voanews.com/, if it is Finnish try this http://yle.fi/uutiset/selkouutiset/.

After a while, you will get used to the sound of the language and your vocabulary grows. Move to normal radio broadcasts and audio books. Your attitude is the most important factor. If you say to yourself: Now I will strain may brain and will understand almost everything that I hear. This is wrong. Do not force yourself. Do not strain your brain. Relax. Your attitude should be following: I will be glad to recognize every single word or phrase that I am familiar with. You might sit and listen with a notepad and write down the words and short sentences that you heard und understood. The more you do that the more rapidly your ability to understand spoken language will grow. At the same time, keep reading book and texts. Reading and talking to people are the only activities that boost your active vocabulary. Listening helps you to boost your passive vocabulary.

Now, there is a little trick to cheat your brain and learn to understand spoken language even faster. When I earlier advised you to “not strain your brain” and relax, I was targeted at activating the subconscious side of your brain. Try to do the following: listen two to audio streams simultaneously but use a different volume level for each. For example, start your favorite audio books in a media player at your computer and start a radio broadcast. Adjust the volume so that one stream sounds louder that the other. Now you strain you brain. But the task is to understand just fragments of speech. You will never be able to fully follow two conversations at the same time. And you know it. And your are not trying to do it. You will than notice that your brain itself snatches fragment of the speech that your ears hear. You will be very much surprised at how much of the material you understand.

Try that and enjoy.

If you have any questions or would like to share your experience with me, do not be shy to write it all in your comments.

Good luck!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Conjugate verbs and decline nouns / спрягайте глаголы и склоняйте существительные

Here you can conjugat verbs online. Quite many languages are available. When you click the link, the conjugator will open up ready to congugate verbs of the Finnish language. Schould you wish to choose another language, just navitate in the webside

Эта ссылка указывает на сайт, где спрягаются глаголы многих языков. Если вы пройдете по ссылке, то сайт откроется в режиме спряжения финских глаголов. Просто поищите в опциях нужный вам язык, от там наверняка есть.

For those, who are learning Finnish:
Для тех, кто учит финский:

Enjoy it!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Yet another audio book

Hi everybody!

Download and enjoy a great book in English by John Updike.

John Updike "Terrorist"

I have a large collection of audio books in English, Finnish, and a smaller number of German audio books.

Leave your messages to me in the "comments" and tell me what you would like to listen to. Who knows, I might have it in my collection.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Just three phrases a day will take you far

Have you ever tried to learn three phrases a day of the language that you are learning? Well, just try doing it. These phrases should not be too long. Do not try to learn long sentences with commas. All long sentences consist of short phrases. Long sentences are hard to memorize and you do not have to do it.

Why three? I think that one phrase a day would be too easy. Five are harder to memorize. Three is just a right number. Keep doing that for three weeks. Within three weeks, you learn 3x7x3 = 63 new short phrases. If the average number of words in each phrase is three, than you may learn as much as 189 words within three weeks.

All that you learn that way is your ACTIVE vocabulary!!!

You gain your passive vocabulary by reading books, listening to audio material, and watching movies. We talks about that a little later.

Thanks for your attention.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Link to an audio book

Here you may download an audio book in Finnish tittled "Vienan punainen kuu" by Laila Hirvisaari:

Laila Hirvisaari "Vienan punainen kuu"


Hi everybody,

I am Alexander Volkov. I would like to share with you my experience of learning languages. I can speak English and German and use these languages professionally. I think that English is an easy language to learn. You cannot say the same about German.

Anyway, let me tell you what I think about the principles of learning any language. First, every language is different from other languages not only because same things have other names. The structure and the logic of any language is unique. The mission of a language is to express thought and feelings. Same thoughts are expressed in different ways in different languages. For example, fear, in English: “I am afraid”; in German: “Ich have Angst”; in Russian: “Я боюсь”; in Finnish:”Pelkään”. This phrase has three words in English and German, two words in Russian, and only on word in Finnish.

Often you have to hear that some people have an ability and inclination to learn languages and other do not. Is this true? Yes and no. This ability is not genetically predetermined. It is just the way you think. It is your personal approach. People, who learn languages easily, never ask the question “why”. Why there are five words in this sentence in my native language but only four words in English. If you analyze every phrase and sentence of the language that your are learning, you’d better drop it and find yourself some other hobby.

How does a child learn his native language? He or she does it by memorizing phrases not single words. I guess the first phrases a child learns in any language are “give me”, “I want”, “Come over here” and so on. Parents, when they are directly addressing their little one, would not use long and complicated sentences. Everybody knows that. Than tell me, why there are bunches of useless textbooks and courses that use other principles?

I am not saying that all textbooks and language courses are bad. What I am saying is that before you started to learn a new language, find good materials based on right principles. That means learning from very simple to simple, from simple to intermediate and so on to higher levels of proficiency.

As I mentioned earlier in this article my native language is Russian. My colloquial German is close to native speaker level. Now I am learning Finnish. I spent two years to get a hang of it. It is a language that is different from English or German. It is more like Russian but there is absolutely different words and different and complicated logic. I get by with it in my everyday life (I live in Finland) but I am still very far from perfection. Using the principles that I described above, I am sure that in less than 8 months I will be able to communicate in this language very well.

So, my friends if you need any assistance or advice, do not hesitate to ask me in your comments. I will do my best to reply to everybody.

A great help in learning a language is listening. I would advise to start with audio books. Audio books texts are read by professional actors. That means right accent and clear speaking. The tempo is not that fast as in news or in feature films. That will help your ears to get used to the sound of the language you are learning.

I have a collection of English and Finnish audio books that include more than 300 GB of materials. In my future articles, I will be giving you links to download them gradually. To many of them I have printable PDF-format files that I am more than happy to share with you.

I am not a teacher by training and I never tried to teach. I am just a man, who loves languages and who are willing to share his experience with the whole world.

Thanks for your attention,

Yours truly,
